Thursday 30 July 2015

Tempting the Bride

My frown arches into a grin
A Wedding! A Wedding!

they do not call

inside my cave
I hoard,
artillery and ammunition,
and spit
superstitiously on the wall.

A cavewoman,
a witch,
the snake-goddess,
and her best friend,
the bitch.
Our wine parties
a hit-
list nailed
on all doors.

The redness in my veins
is pure and flawless.
Your red forehead
only gives you pimples and rashes.

Row your boat towards my shore.

It's rarely cozy
or warm,
but my cave is deep
and it keeps.

Your bed stinks 
of too many
bruised flowers

Bereft of a ribboned ending,
I gift you-

May 2015